
Spend wisely…gain dearly

Thanks to the educational mission of the IDEAS Bus, we’re uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between EdTech suppliers and educators. We partner with industry’s most trusted brands to kit out the bus and offer a hands-on experience to educators and students with no buying strings attached. Even better — if your organisation decides to purchase something, we can negotiate significant discounts and special deals on your behalf. And you’ll never have to speak to a sales person again.


This is a FREE community informational service brought direct to you by the Driving Technology team through the medium of the IDEAS bus. The Inspirational Delivery of EdTech Across Schools Bus. For many years people have utilised the community Library Buses and similar. We at DT are now taking this concept one step further by bringing you the IDEAS bus packed full of the latest and innovative Educational Technology (EdTech) solutions to you, your staff, your students, your governors, your parents and local community.
This amazing initiative brings a specially redesigned bright yellow American School bus to your establishment where you get the opportunity to not only learn about what technology is out there that can really bring educational value to you and your students, but also allows you to trial the hardware and software with hands on experience. In addition to this, you are able to access information about best practice, case studies, testimonials, white papers etc and therefore gain an insight of what is currently available to help assist in effective delivery of the curriculum, helping make the most of your teaching staff’s time.
The first visit is always free. Extra time can be purchased. If you decide to purchase an extra session, therefore having the bus for the whole day, it will cost £1 per FTE student with a minimum cost of £300 and capped at £600 (ex VAT).
If the school is one of our Champion Schools, they can get additional sessions at a reduced cost or, for certain projects, it would be completely free of charge. If you would like to be involved as a Champion School, please let us know.
The first visit is always free. Extra time can be purchased. If you decide to purchase an extra session, therefore having the bus for the whole day, it will cost £1 per FTE student with a minimum cost of £300 and capped at £600 (ex VAT).
If the school is one of our Champion Schools, they can get additional sessions at a reduced cost or, for certain projects, it would be completely free of charge. If you would like to be involved as a Champion School, please let us know.